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#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, *};
use sealed::sealed;
pub use {cc_traits, variadics};
/// Module for definiting algebraic structures and properties.
pub mod algebra;
pub mod collections;
mod conflict;
mod dom_pair;
pub mod ght;
pub mod map_union;
pub mod map_union_with_tombstones;
mod ord;
mod pair;
mod point;
pub mod semiring_application;
pub mod set_union;
pub mod set_union_with_tombstones;
pub mod test;
pub mod union_find;
mod unit;
mod vec_union;
mod with_bot;
mod with_top;
pub use conflict::Conflict;
pub use dom_pair::DomPair;
pub use lattices_macro::*;
pub use ord::{Max, Min};
pub use pair::{Pair, PairBimorphism};
pub use point::Point;
pub use vec_union::VecUnion;
pub use with_bot::WithBot;
pub use with_top::WithTop;
/// Alias trait for lattice types.
pub trait Lattice: Sized + Merge<Self> + LatticeOrd + NaiveLatticeOrd + IsBot + IsTop {}
impl<T> Lattice for T where T: Sized + Merge<Self> + LatticeOrd + NaiveLatticeOrd + IsBot + IsTop {}
/// Alias trait for semirings.
pub trait Semiring<T>: Addition<T> + Multiplication<T> + Zero<T> + One<T> {}
/// Trait for Semiring Addition.
pub trait Addition<Other> {
/// Add-assign `other` into self.
fn add(&mut self, other: Self);
/// Add `this` and `delta` together, returning the new value.
fn add_owned(mut self, other: Self) -> Self
Self: Sized,
/// Trait for Semiring Multiplication.
pub trait Multiplication<Other> {
/// Multiply-assign `other` into self.
fn mul(&mut self, other: Self);
/// Multiply `this` and `delta` together, returning the new value.
fn mul_owned(mut self, other: Self) -> Self
Self: Sized,
/// Trait to check if semiring contains a zero.
pub trait Zero<T> {
/// Returns the zero element of the semiring. Identify for the Addition operation.
fn zero(&self) -> T;
/// Trait to define a one in a semiring.
pub trait One<T> {
/// Returns the one element of the semiring. Identity for the multiplication operation.
fn one(&self) -> T;
/// Trait for lattice merge (AKA "join" or "least upper bound").
pub trait Merge<Other> {
/// Merge `other` into the `self` lattice.
/// This operation must be associative, commutative, and idempotent.
/// Returns `true` if `self` changed, `false` otherwise.
/// Returning `true` implies that the new value for `self` is later in the lattice order than
/// the old value. Returning `false` means that `self` was unchanged and therefore `other` came
/// before `self` (or the two are equal) in the lattice order.
fn merge(&mut self, other: Other) -> bool;
/// Merge `this` and `delta` together, returning the new value.
fn merge_owned(mut this: Self, delta: Other) -> Self
Self: Sized,
Self::merge(&mut this, delta);
/// Trait for lattice partial order comparison
/// PartialOrd is implemented for many things, this trait can be used to require the type be a lattice.
pub trait LatticeOrd<Rhs = Self>: PartialOrd<Rhs> {}
/// Naive lattice compare, based on the [`Merge::merge`] function.
pub trait NaiveLatticeOrd<Rhs = Self>
Self: Clone + Merge<Rhs> + Sized,
Rhs: Clone + Merge<Self>,
/// Naive compare based on the [`Merge::merge`] method. This method can be very inefficient;
/// use [`PartialOrd::partial_cmp`] instead.
/// This method should not be overridden.
fn naive_cmp(&self, other: &Rhs) -> Option<Ordering> {
let mut self_a = self.clone();
let other_a = other.clone();
let self_b = self.clone();
let mut other_b = other.clone();
match (self_a.merge(other_a), other_b.merge(self_b)) {
(true, true) => None,
(true, false) => Some(Less),
(false, true) => Some(Greater),
(false, false) => Some(Equal),
impl<This, Other> NaiveLatticeOrd<Other> for This
Self: Clone + Merge<Other>,
Other: Clone + Merge<Self>,
/// Same as `From` but for lattices.
/// This should only be implemented between different representations of the same lattice type.
/// This should recursively convert nested lattice types, but not non-lattice ("scalar") types.
pub trait LatticeFrom<Other> {
/// Convert from the `Other` lattice into `Self`.
fn lattice_from(other: Other) -> Self;
/// Trait to check if a lattice instance is bottom (⊥).
pub trait IsBot {
/// Returns if `self` is lattice bottom (⊥).
/// Must be consistent with equality, any element equal to bottom is also considered to be bottom.
fn is_bot(&self) -> bool;
/// Trait to check if a lattice instance is top (⊤) and therefore cannot change any futher.
pub trait IsTop {
/// Returns if `self` is lattice top (⊤).
/// Must be consistent with equality, any element equal to top is also considered to be top.
fn is_top(&self) -> bool;
/// Trait to atomize a lattice into individual elements. For example, a [`set_union::SetUnion`]
/// will be broken up into individual singleton elements.
/// Formally, breaks up `Self` into an set of lattice points forming a (strong) [antichain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichain).
/// "Strong" in the sense that any pair of lattice points in the antichain should have a greatest
/// lower bound (GLB or "meet") of bottom.
pub trait Atomize: Merge<Self::Atom> {
/// The type of atoms for this lattice.
type Atom: 'static + IsBot;
/// The iter type iterating the antichain atoms.
type AtomIter: 'static + Iterator<Item = Self::Atom>;
/// Atomize self: convert into an iter of atoms.
/// The returned iterator should be empty if and only if `self.is_bot()` is true.
/// All atoms in the returned iterator should have `self.is_bot()` be false.
/// Returned values must merge to reform a value equal to the original `self`.
fn atomize(self) -> Self::AtomIter;
/// Trait for recursively revealing the underlying types within lattice types.
pub trait DeepReveal {
/// The underlying type when revealed.
type Revealed;
/// Reveals the underlying lattice types recursively.
fn deep_reveal(self) -> Self::Revealed;
/// Semilattice morphism. Lattice merge must distribute over this unary function.
/// Use [`crate::test::check_lattice_morphism`] to spot-test an implementation.
/// See the [lattice math doc's lattice morphism section](https://hydro.run/docs/dfir/lattices_crate/lattice_math/#lattice-morphism).
pub trait LatticeMorphism<LatIn> {
/// The output lattice type.
type Output;
/// Executes the function.
fn call(&mut self, lat_in: LatIn) -> Self::Output;
/// Semilattice bimorphism. Lattice merge must distribute over this binary function, in both arguments.
/// Use [`crate::test::check_lattice_bimorphism`] to spot-test an implementation.
/// See the [lattice math doc's lattice bimorphism section](https://hydro.run/docs/dfir/lattices_crate/lattice_math/#lattice-bimorphism).
pub trait LatticeBimorphism<LatA, LatB> {
/// The output lattice type.
type Output;
/// Executes the function.
fn call(&mut self, lat_a: LatA, lat_b: LatB) -> Self::Output;
/// Converts a closure to a morphism. Does not check for correctness.
pub fn closure_to_morphism<LatIn, LatOut, F>(
func: F,
) -> impl LatticeMorphism<LatIn, Output = LatOut>
F: FnMut(LatIn) -> LatOut,
struct FnMorphism<F>(F);
impl<F, LatIn, LatOut> LatticeMorphism<LatIn> for FnMorphism<F>
F: FnMut(LatIn) -> LatOut,
type Output = LatOut;
fn call(&mut self, lat_in: LatIn) -> Self::Output {
/// Converts a closure to a bimorphism. Does not check for correctness.
pub fn closure_to_bimorphism<LatA, LatB, LatOut, F>(
func: F,
) -> impl LatticeBimorphism<LatA, LatB, Output = LatOut>
F: FnMut(LatA, LatB) -> LatOut,
struct FnBimorphism<F>(F);
impl<F, LatA, LatB, LatOut> LatticeBimorphism<LatA, LatB> for FnBimorphism<F>
F: FnMut(LatA, LatB) -> LatOut,
type Output = LatOut;
fn call(&mut self, lat_a: LatA, lat_b: LatB) -> Self::Output {
(self.0)(lat_a, lat_b)