1//! Module for the user-facing [`Context`] object.
3//! Provides APIs for state and scheduling.
45use std::any::Any;
6use std::cell::Cell;
7use std::collections::VecDeque;
8use std::future::Future;
9use std::marker::PhantomData;
10use std::ops::DerefMut;
11use std::pin::Pin;
1213use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
14use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
15use web_time::SystemTime;
1617use super::state::StateHandle;
18use super::{LoopTag, StateId, SubgraphId};
19use crate::scheduled::ticks::TickInstant;
20use crate::util::priority_stack::PriorityStack;
21use crate::util::slot_vec::SlotVec;
2223/// The main state and scheduler of the runtime instance. Provided as the `context` API to each
24/// subgraph/operator as it is run.
26/// Each instance stores eactly one Context inline. Before the `Context` is provided to
27/// a running operator, the `subgraph_id` field must be updated.
28pub struct Context {
29/// User-facing State API.
30states: Vec<StateData>,
3132/// Priority stack for handling strata within loops. Prioritized by loop depth.
33pub(super) stratum_stack: PriorityStack<usize>,
3435/// Stack of loop nonces. Used to identify when a new loop iteration begins.
36pub(super) loop_nonce_stack: Vec<usize>,
3738/// TODO(mingwei):
39 /// used for loop iteration scheduling.
40pub(super) schedule_deferred: Vec<SubgraphId>,
4142/// TODO(mingwei): separate scheduler into its own struct/trait?
43 /// Index is stratum, value is FIFO queue for that stratum.
44pub(super) stratum_queues: Vec<VecDeque<SubgraphId>>,
4546/// Receive events, if second arg indicates if it is an external "important" event (true).
47pub(super) event_queue_recv: UnboundedReceiver<(SubgraphId, bool)>,
48/// If external events or data can justify starting the next tick.
49pub(super) can_start_tick: bool,
50/// If the events have been received for this tick.
51pub(super) events_received_tick: bool,
5253// TODO(mingwei): as long as this is here, it's impossible to know when all work is done.
54 // Second field (bool) is for if the event is an external "important" event (true).
55pub(super) event_queue_send: UnboundedSender<(SubgraphId, bool)>,
5657/// If the current subgraph wants to reschedule the current loop block (in the current tick).
58pub(super) reschedule_loop_block: Cell<bool>,
59pub(super) allow_another_iteration: Cell<bool>,
6061pub(super) current_tick: TickInstant,
62pub(super) current_stratum: usize,
6364pub(super) current_tick_start: SystemTime,
65pub(super) is_first_run_this_tick: bool,
66pub(super) loop_iter_count: usize,
6768// Depth of loop (zero for top-level).
69pub(super) loop_depth: SlotVec<LoopTag, usize>,
7071pub(super) loop_nonce: usize,
7273/// The SubgraphId of the currently running operator. When this context is
74 /// not being forwarded to a running operator, this field is meaningless.
75pub(super) subgraph_id: SubgraphId,
7677 tasks_to_spawn: Vec<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>>>,
78/// Join handles for spawned tasks.
79task_join_handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>>,
81/// Public APIs.
82impl Context {
83/// Gets the current tick (local time) count.
84pub fn current_tick(&self) -> TickInstant {
86 }
8788/// Gets the timestamp of the beginning of the current tick.
89pub fn current_tick_start(&self) -> SystemTime {
91 }
9293/// Gets whether this is the first time this subgraph is being scheduled for this tick
94pub fn is_first_run_this_tick(&self) -> bool {
96 }
9798/// Gets the current loop iteration count.
99pub fn loop_iter_count(&self) -> usize {
101 }
102103/// Gets the current stratum nubmer.
104pub fn current_stratum(&self) -> usize {
106 }
107108/// Gets the ID of the current subgraph.
109pub fn current_subgraph(&self) -> SubgraphId {
111 }
112113/// Schedules a subgraph for the next tick.
114 ///
115 /// If `is_external` is `true`, the scheduling will trigger the next tick to begin. If it is
116 /// `false` then scheduling will be lazy and the next tick will not begin unless there is other
117 /// reason to.
118pub fn schedule_subgraph(&self, sg_id: SubgraphId, is_external: bool) {
119self.event_queue_send.send((sg_id, is_external)).unwrap()
120 }
121122/// Schedules the current loop block to be run again (_in this tick_).
123pub fn reschedule_loop_block(&self) {
125 }
126127/// Allow another iteration of the loop, if more data comes.
128pub fn allow_another_iteration(&self) {
130 }
131132/// Returns a `Waker` for interacting with async Rust.
133 /// Waker events are considered to be extenral.
134pub fn waker(&self) -> std::task::Waker {
135use std::sync::Arc;
136137use futures::task::ArcWake;
138139struct ContextWaker {
140 subgraph_id: SubgraphId,
141 event_queue_send: UnboundedSender<(SubgraphId, bool)>,
142 }
143impl ArcWake for ContextWaker {
144fn wake_by_ref(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
145let _recv_closed_error =
146 arc_self.event_queue_send.send((arc_self.subgraph_id, true));
147 }
148 }
149150let context_waker = ContextWaker {
151 subgraph_id: self.subgraph_id,
152 event_queue_send: self.event_queue_send.clone(),
153 };
154 futures::task::waker(Arc::new(context_waker))
155 }
156157/// Returns a shared reference to the state.
158 ///
159 /// # Safety
160 /// `StateHandle<T>` must be from _this_ instance, created via [`Self::add_state`].
161pub unsafe fn state_ref_unchecked<T>(&self, handle: StateHandle<T>) -> &'_ T
163T: Any,
164 {
165let state = self
167 .get(handle.state_id.0)
168 .expect("Failed to find state with given handle.")
169 .state
170 .as_ref();
173174unsafe {
175// SAFETY: `handle` is from this instance.
176 // TODO(shadaj): replace with `downcast_ref_unchecked` when it's stabilized
177&*(state as *const dyn Any as *const T)
178 }
179 }
180181/// Returns a shared reference to the state.
182pub fn state_ref<T>(&self, handle: StateHandle<T>) -> &'_ T
184T: Any,
185 {
187 .get(handle.state_id.0)
188 .expect("Failed to find state with given handle.")
189 .state
190 .downcast_ref()
191 .expect("StateHandle wrong type T for casting.")
192 }
193194/// Returns an exclusive reference to the state.
195pub fn state_mut<T>(&mut self, handle: StateHandle<T>) -> &'_ mut T
197T: Any,
198 {
200 .get_mut(handle.state_id.0)
201 .expect("Failed to find state with given handle.")
202 .state
203 .downcast_mut()
204 .expect("StateHandle wrong type T for casting.")
205 }
206207/// Adds state to the context and returns the handle.
208pub fn add_state<T>(&mut self, state: T) -> StateHandle<T>
210T: Any,
211 {
212let state_id = StateId(self.states.len());
213214let state_data = StateData {
215 state: Box::new(state),
216 tick_reset: None,
217 };
219220 StateHandle {
221 state_id,
222 _phantom: PhantomData,
223 }
224 }
225226/// Sets a hook to modify the state at the end of each tick, using the supplied closure.
227pub fn set_state_tick_hook<T>(
228&mut self,
229 handle: StateHandle<T>,
230mut tick_hook_fn: impl 'static + FnMut(&mut T),
231 ) where
232T: Any,
233 {
235 .get_mut(handle.state_id.0)
236 .expect("Failed to find state with given handle.")
237 .tick_reset = Some(Box::new(move |state| {
238 (tick_hook_fn)(state.downcast_mut::<T>().unwrap());
239 }));
240 }
241242/// Removes state from the context returns it as an owned heap value.
243pub fn remove_state<T>(&mut self, handle: StateHandle<T>) -> Box<T>
245T: Any,
246 {
248 .remove(handle.state_id.0)
249 .state
250 .downcast()
251 .expect("StateHandle wrong type T for casting.")
252 }
253254/// Prepares an async task to be launched by [`Self::spawn_tasks`].
255pub fn request_task<Fut>(&mut self, future: Fut)
257Fut: Future<Output = ()> + 'static,
258 {
260 }
261262/// Launches all tasks requested with [`Self::request_task`] on the internal Tokio executor.
263pub fn spawn_tasks(&mut self) {
264for task in self.tasks_to_spawn.drain(..) {
266 }
267 }
268269/// Aborts all tasks spawned with [`Self::spawn_tasks`].
270pub fn abort_tasks(&mut self) {
271for task in self.task_join_handles.drain(..) {
272 task.abort();
273 }
274 }
275276/// Waits for all tasks spawned with [`Self::spawn_tasks`] to complete.
277 ///
278 /// Will probably just hang.
279pub async fn join_tasks(&mut self) {
280 futures::future::join_all(self.task_join_handles.drain(..)).await;
281 }
283284impl Default for Context {
285fn default() -> Self {
286let stratum_queues = vec![Default::default()]; // Always initialize stratum #0.
287let (event_queue_send, event_queue_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
288let (stratum_stack, loop_depth) = Default::default();
289Self {
290 states: Vec::new(),
291292 stratum_stack,
293294 loop_nonce_stack: Vec::new(),
295296 schedule_deferred: Vec::new(),
297298 stratum_queues,
299 event_queue_recv,
300 can_start_tick: false,
301 events_received_tick: false,
302303 event_queue_send,
304 reschedule_loop_block: Cell::new(false),
305 allow_another_iteration: Cell::new(false),
306307 current_stratum: 0,
308 current_tick: TickInstant::default(),
309310 current_tick_start: SystemTime::now(),
311 is_first_run_this_tick: false,
312 loop_iter_count: 0,
313314 loop_depth,
315 loop_nonce: 0,
316317// Will be re-set before use.
318subgraph_id: SubgraphId::from_raw(0),
319320 tasks_to_spawn: Vec::new(),
321 task_join_handles: Vec::new(),
322 }
323 }
325/// Internal APIs.
326impl Context {
327/// Makes sure stratum STRATUM is initialized.
328pub(super) fn init_stratum(&mut self, stratum: usize) {
329if self.stratum_queues.len() <= stratum {
331 .resize_with(stratum + 1, Default::default);
332 }
333 }
334335/// Call this at the end of a tick,
336pub(super) fn reset_state_at_end_of_tick(&mut self) {
337for StateData { state, tick_reset } in self.states.iter_mut() {
338if let Some(tick_reset) = tick_reset {
339 (tick_reset)(Box::deref_mut(state));
340 }
341 }
342 }
344345/// Internal struct containing a pointer to instance-owned state.
346struct StateData {
347 state: Box<dyn Any>,
348 tick_reset: Option<TickResetFn>,
350type TickResetFn = Box<dyn FnMut(&mut dyn Any)>;