1use std::any::Any;
4use std::borrow::Cow;
5use std::cell::Cell;
6use std::cmp::Ordering;
7use std::future::Future;
8use std::marker::PhantomData;
10#[cfg(feature = "meta")]
11use dfir_lang::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, SerdeSpan};
12#[cfg(feature = "meta")]
13use dfir_lang::graph::DfirGraph;
14use ref_cast::RefCast;
15use smallvec::SmallVec;
16use web_time::SystemTime;
18use super::context::Context;
19use super::handoff::handoff_list::PortList;
20use super::handoff::{Handoff, HandoffMeta, TeeingHandoff};
21use super::port::{RECV, RecvCtx, RecvPort, SEND, SendCtx, SendPort};
22use super::reactor::Reactor;
23use super::state::StateHandle;
24use super::subgraph::Subgraph;
25use super::{HandoffId, HandoffTag, LoopId, LoopTag, SubgraphId, SubgraphTag};
26use crate::Never;
27use crate::scheduled::ticks::{TickDuration, TickInstant};
28use crate::util::slot_vec::{SecondarySlotVec, SlotVec};
32pub struct Dfir<'a> {
33 pub(super) subgraphs: SlotVec<SubgraphTag, SubgraphData<'a>>,
35 pub(super) loop_data: SecondarySlotVec<LoopTag, LoopData>,
37 pub(super) context: Context,
39 handoffs: SlotVec<HandoffTag, HandoffData>,
41 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
42 meta_graph: Option<DfirGraph>,
45 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
46 diagnostics: Option<Vec<Diagnostic<SerdeSpan>>>,
50impl Dfir<'_> {
52 pub fn teeing_handoff_tee<T>(
54 &mut self,
55 tee_parent_port: &RecvPort<TeeingHandoff<T>>,
56 ) -> RecvPort<TeeingHandoff<T>>
57 where
58 T: Clone,
59 {
60 let tee_root = self.handoffs[tee_parent_port.handoff_id].pred_handoffs[0];
63 let tee_root_data = &mut self.handoffs[tee_root];
65 let tee_root_data_name = tee_root_data.name.clone();
67 let teeing_handoff = tee_root_data
69 .handoff
70 .any_ref()
71 .downcast_ref::<TeeingHandoff<T>>()
72 .unwrap();
73 let new_handoff = teeing_handoff.tee();
75 let new_hoff_id = self.handoffs.insert_with_key(|new_hoff_id| {
77 let new_name = Cow::Owned(format!("{} tee {:?}", tee_root_data_name, new_hoff_id));
78 let mut new_handoff_data = HandoffData::new(new_name, new_handoff, new_hoff_id);
79 new_handoff_data.pred_handoffs = vec![tee_root];
81 new_handoff_data
82 });
84 let tee_root_data = &mut self.handoffs[tee_root];
86 tee_root_data.succ_handoffs.push(new_hoff_id);
88 assert!(
91 tee_root_data.preds.len() <= 1,
92 "Tee send side should only have one sender (or none set yet)."
93 );
94 if let Some(&pred_sg_id) = tee_root_data.preds.first() {
95 self.subgraphs[pred_sg_id].succs.push(new_hoff_id);
96 }
98 let output_port = RecvPort {
99 handoff_id: new_hoff_id,
100 _marker: PhantomData,
101 };
102 output_port
103 }
105 pub fn teeing_handoff_drop<T>(&mut self, tee_port: RecvPort<TeeingHandoff<T>>)
110 where
111 T: Clone,
112 {
113 let data = &self.handoffs[tee_port.handoff_id];
114 let teeing_handoff = data
115 .handoff
116 .any_ref()
117 .downcast_ref::<TeeingHandoff<T>>()
118 .unwrap();
119 teeing_handoff.drop();
121 let tee_root = data.pred_handoffs[0];
122 let tee_root_data = &mut self.handoffs[tee_root];
123 tee_root_data
125 .succ_handoffs
126 .retain(|&succ_hoff| succ_hoff != tee_port.handoff_id);
127 assert!(
129 tee_root_data.preds.len() <= 1,
130 "Tee send side should only have one sender (or none set yet)."
131 );
132 if let Some(&pred_sg_id) = tee_root_data.preds.first() {
133 self.subgraphs[pred_sg_id]
134 .succs
135 .retain(|&succ_hoff| succ_hoff != tee_port.handoff_id);
136 }
137 }
140impl<'a> Dfir<'a> {
141 pub fn new() -> Self {
143 Default::default()
144 }
146 #[doc(hidden)]
148 pub fn __assign_meta_graph(&mut self, _meta_graph_json: &str) {
149 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
150 {
151 let mut meta_graph: DfirGraph =
152 serde_json::from_str(_meta_graph_json).expect("Failed to deserialize graph.");
154 let mut op_inst_diagnostics = Vec::new();
155 meta_graph.insert_node_op_insts_all(&mut op_inst_diagnostics);
156 assert!(
157 op_inst_diagnostics.is_empty(),
158 "Expected no diagnostics, got: {:#?}",
159 op_inst_diagnostics
160 );
162 assert!(self.meta_graph.replace(meta_graph).is_none());
163 }
164 }
165 #[doc(hidden)]
167 pub fn __assign_diagnostics(&mut self, _diagnostics_json: &'static str) {
168 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
169 {
170 let diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic<SerdeSpan>> = serde_json::from_str(_diagnostics_json)
171 .expect("Failed to deserialize diagnostics.");
173 assert!(self.diagnostics.replace(diagnostics).is_none());
174 }
175 }
177 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
181 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "meta")))]
182 pub fn meta_graph(&self) -> Option<&DfirGraph> {
183 self.meta_graph.as_ref()
184 }
186 #[cfg(feature = "meta")]
191 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "meta")))]
192 pub fn diagnostics(&self) -> Option<&[Diagnostic<SerdeSpan>]> {
193 self.diagnostics.as_deref()
194 }
196 pub fn reactor(&self) -> Reactor {
199 Reactor::new(self.context.event_queue_send.clone())
200 }
202 pub fn current_tick(&self) -> TickInstant {
204 self.context.current_tick
205 }
207 pub fn current_stratum(&self) -> usize {
209 self.context.current_stratum
210 }
212 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
215 pub fn run_tick(&mut self) -> bool {
216 let mut work_done = false;
217 while self.next_stratum(true) {
219 work_done = true;
220 self.run_stratum();
222 }
223 work_done
224 }
226 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
231 pub fn run_available(&mut self) -> bool {
232 let mut work_done = false;
233 while self.next_stratum(false) {
235 work_done = true;
236 self.run_stratum();
238 }
239 work_done
240 }
242 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
248 pub async fn run_available_async(&mut self) -> bool {
249 let mut work_done = false;
250 while self.next_stratum(false) {
252 work_done = true;
253 self.run_stratum();
256 tokio::task::yield_now().await;
259 }
260 work_done
261 }
263 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), fields(tick = u64::from(self.context.current_tick), stratum = self.context.current_stratum), ret)]
266 pub fn run_stratum(&mut self) -> bool {
267 self.context.spawn_tasks();
271 let mut work_done = false;
273 'pop: while let Some(sg_id) =
274 self.context.stratum_queues[self.context.current_stratum].pop_front()
275 {
276 {
277 let sg_data = &mut self.subgraphs[sg_id];
278 assert!(sg_data.is_scheduled.take());
281 match sg_data.loop_depth.cmp(&self.context.loop_nonce_stack.len()) {
282 Ordering::Greater => {
283 self.context.loop_nonce += 1;
285 self.context.loop_nonce_stack.push(self.context.loop_nonce);
286 tracing::trace!(loop_nonce = self.context.loop_nonce, "Entered loop.");
287 }
288 Ordering::Less => {
289 self.context.loop_nonce_stack.pop();
291 tracing::trace!("Exited loop.");
292 }
293 Ordering::Equal => {}
294 }
296 self.context.subgraph_id = sg_id;
297 self.context.is_first_run_this_tick = sg_data
298 .last_tick_run_in
299 .is_none_or(|last_tick| last_tick < self.context.current_tick);
301 if let Some(loop_id) = sg_data.loop_id {
302 let curr_loop_nonce = self.context.loop_nonce_stack.last().copied();
311 let LoopData {
312 iter_count: loop_iter_count,
313 allow_another_iteration,
314 } = &mut self.loop_data[loop_id];
316 let (prev_loop_nonce, prev_iter_count) = sg_data.last_loop_nonce;
318 let curr_iter_count =
323 if curr_loop_nonce.is_none_or(|nonce| nonce == prev_loop_nonce) {
324 if loop_iter_count.is_none_or(|n| n == prev_iter_count) {
327 if !std::mem::take(allow_another_iteration) {
329 tracing::trace!(
330 "Loop will not continue to next iteration, skipping."
331 );
332 continue 'pop;
333 }
334 loop_iter_count.map_or(0, |n| n + 1)
336 } else {
337 debug_assert!(loop_iter_count.is_some_and(|n| prev_iter_count < n));
339 loop_iter_count.unwrap()
340 }
341 } else {
342 0
344 };
345 *loop_iter_count = Some(curr_iter_count);
346 self.context.loop_iter_count = curr_iter_count;
347 sg_data.last_loop_nonce =
348 (curr_loop_nonce.unwrap_or_default(), curr_iter_count);
349 }
351 tracing::info!(
352 sg_id = sg_id.to_string(),
353 sg_name = &*sg_data.name,
354 sg_depth = sg_data.loop_depth,
355 sg_loop_nonce = sg_data.last_loop_nonce.0,
356 sg_iter_count = sg_data.last_loop_nonce.1,
357 "Running subgraph."
358 );
359 sg_data.subgraph.run(&mut self.context, &mut self.handoffs);
361 sg_data.last_tick_run_in = Some(self.context.current_tick);
362 }
364 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
365 for &handoff_id in sg_data.succs.iter() {
366 let handoff = &self.handoffs[handoff_id];
367 if !handoff.handoff.is_bottom() {
368 for &succ_id in handoff.succs.iter() {
369 let succ_sg_data = &self.subgraphs[succ_id];
370 if succ_sg_data.stratum < self.context.current_stratum && !sg_data.is_lazy {
372 self.context.can_start_tick = true;
373 }
374 if !succ_sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true) {
376 self.context.stratum_queues[succ_sg_data.stratum].push_back(succ_id);
377 }
378 if 0 < succ_sg_data.loop_depth {
380 self.context
382 .stratum_stack
383 .push(succ_sg_data.loop_depth, succ_sg_data.stratum);
384 }
385 }
386 }
387 }
389 let reschedule = self.context.reschedule_loop_block.take();
390 let allow_another = self.context.allow_another_iteration.take();
392 if reschedule {
393 self.context.schedule_deferred.push(sg_id);
395 self.context
396 .stratum_stack
397 .push(sg_data.loop_depth, sg_data.stratum);
398 }
399 if reschedule || allow_another {
400 if let Some(loop_id) = sg_data.loop_id {
401 self.loop_data
402 .get_mut(loop_id)
403 .unwrap()
404 .allow_another_iteration = true;
405 }
406 }
408 work_done = true;
409 }
410 work_done
411 }
413 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
425 pub fn next_stratum(&mut self, current_tick_only: bool) -> bool {
426 tracing::trace!(
427 events_received_tick = self.context.events_received_tick,
428 can_start_tick = self.context.can_start_tick,
429 "Starting `next_stratum` call.",
430 );
432 let mut end_stratum = self.context.current_stratum;
434 let mut new_tick_started = false;
436 if 0 == self.context.current_stratum {
437 new_tick_started = true;
439 tracing::trace!("Starting tick, setting `can_start_tick = false`.");
441 self.context.can_start_tick = false;
442 self.context.current_tick_start = SystemTime::now();
444 if !self.context.events_received_tick {
446 self.try_recv_events();
448 }
449 }
451 loop {
452 tracing::trace!(
453 tick = u64::from(self.context.current_tick),
454 stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
455 "Looking for work on stratum."
456 );
457 if !self.context.stratum_queues[self.context.current_stratum].is_empty() {
459 tracing::trace!(
460 tick = u64::from(self.context.current_tick),
461 stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
462 "Work found on stratum."
463 );
464 return true;
465 }
467 if let Some(next_stratum) = self.context.stratum_stack.pop() {
468 self.context.current_stratum = next_stratum;
470 {
472 for sg_id in self.context.schedule_deferred.drain(..) {
473 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
474 tracing::info!(
475 tick = u64::from(self.context.current_tick),
476 stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
477 sg_id = sg_id.to_string(),
478 sg_name = &*sg_data.name,
479 is_scheduled = sg_data.is_scheduled.get(),
480 "Rescheduling deferred subgraph."
481 );
482 if !sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true) {
483 self.context.stratum_queues[sg_data.stratum].push_back(sg_id);
484 }
485 }
486 }
487 } else {
488 self.context.current_stratum += 1;
491 if self.context.current_stratum >= self.context.stratum_queues.len() {
492 new_tick_started = true;
494 tracing::trace!(
495 can_start_tick = self.context.can_start_tick,
496 "End of tick {}, starting tick {}.",
497 self.context.current_tick,
498 self.context.current_tick + TickDuration::SINGLE_TICK,
499 );
500 self.context.reset_state_at_end_of_tick();
502 self.context.current_stratum = 0;
503 self.context.current_tick += TickDuration::SINGLE_TICK;
504 self.context.events_received_tick = false;
506 if current_tick_only {
507 tracing::trace!(
508 "`current_tick_only` is `true`, returning `false` before receiving events."
509 );
510 return false;
511 } else {
512 self.try_recv_events();
513 if std::mem::replace(&mut self.context.can_start_tick, false) {
514 tracing::trace!(
515 tick = u64::from(self.context.current_tick),
516 "`can_start_tick` is `true`, continuing."
517 );
518 end_stratum = 0;
520 continue;
521 } else {
522 tracing::trace!(
523 "`can_start_tick` is `false`, re-setting `events_received_tick = false`, returning `false`."
524 );
525 self.context.events_received_tick = false;
526 return false;
527 }
528 }
529 }
530 }
532 if new_tick_started && end_stratum == self.context.current_stratum {
534 tracing::trace!(
535 "Made full loop around stratum, re-setting `current_stratum = 0`, returning `false`."
536 );
537 self.context.events_received_tick = false;
542 self.context.current_stratum = 0;
543 return false;
544 }
545 }
546 }
548 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
552 pub fn run(&mut self) -> Option<Never> {
553 loop {
554 self.run_tick();
555 }
556 }
558 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
562 pub async fn run_async(&mut self) -> Option<Never> {
563 loop {
564 self.run_available_async().await;
566 self.recv_events_async().await;
568 }
569 }
571 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), fields(events_received_tick = self.context.events_received_tick), ret)]
575 pub fn try_recv_events(&mut self) -> usize {
576 let mut enqueued_count = 0;
577 while let Ok((sg_id, is_external)) = self.context.event_queue_recv.try_recv() {
578 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
579 tracing::trace!(
580 sg_id = sg_id.to_string(),
581 is_external = is_external,
582 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
583 "Event received."
584 );
585 if !sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true) {
586 self.context.stratum_queues[sg_data.stratum].push_back(sg_id);
587 enqueued_count += 1;
588 }
589 if is_external {
590 if !self.context.events_received_tick
593 || sg_data.stratum < self.context.current_stratum
594 {
595 tracing::trace!(
596 current_stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
597 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
598 "External event, setting `can_start_tick = true`."
599 );
600 self.context.can_start_tick = true;
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 self.context.events_received_tick = true;
606 enqueued_count
607 }
609 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), fields(events_received_tick = self.context.events_received_tick), ret)]
612 pub fn recv_events(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
613 let mut count = 0;
614 loop {
615 let (sg_id, is_external) = self.context.event_queue_recv.blocking_recv()?;
616 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
617 tracing::trace!(
618 sg_id = sg_id.to_string(),
619 is_external = is_external,
620 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
621 "Event received."
622 );
623 if !sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true) {
624 self.context.stratum_queues[sg_data.stratum].push_back(sg_id);
625 count += 1;
626 }
627 if is_external {
628 if !self.context.events_received_tick
631 || sg_data.stratum < self.context.current_stratum
632 {
633 tracing::trace!(
634 current_stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
635 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
636 "External event, setting `can_start_tick = true`."
637 );
638 self.context.can_start_tick = true;
639 }
640 break;
641 }
642 }
643 self.context.events_received_tick = true;
645 let extra_count = self.try_recv_events();
647 Some(count + extra_count)
648 }
650 #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), fields(events_received_tick = self.context.events_received_tick), ret)]
656 pub async fn recv_events_async(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
657 let mut count = 0;
658 loop {
659 tracing::trace!("Awaiting events (`event_queue_recv`).");
660 let (sg_id, is_external) = self.context.event_queue_recv.recv().await?;
661 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
662 tracing::trace!(
663 sg_id = sg_id.to_string(),
664 is_external = is_external,
665 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
666 "Event received."
667 );
668 if !sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true) {
669 self.context.stratum_queues[sg_data.stratum].push_back(sg_id);
670 count += 1;
671 }
672 if is_external {
673 if !self.context.events_received_tick
676 || sg_data.stratum < self.context.current_stratum
677 {
678 tracing::trace!(
679 current_stratum = self.context.current_stratum,
680 sg_stratum = sg_data.stratum,
681 "External event, setting `can_start_tick = true`."
682 );
683 self.context.can_start_tick = true;
684 }
685 break;
686 }
687 }
688 self.context.events_received_tick = true;
690 let extra_count = self.try_recv_events();
692 Some(count + extra_count)
693 }
695 pub fn schedule_subgraph(&mut self, sg_id: SubgraphId) -> bool {
697 let sg_data = &self.subgraphs[sg_id];
698 let already_scheduled = sg_data.is_scheduled.replace(true);
699 if !already_scheduled {
700 self.context.stratum_queues[sg_data.stratum].push_back(sg_id);
701 true
702 } else {
703 false
704 }
705 }
707 pub fn add_subgraph<Name, R, W, F>(
709 &mut self,
710 name: Name,
711 recv_ports: R,
712 send_ports: W,
713 subgraph: F,
714 ) -> SubgraphId
715 where
716 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
717 R: 'static + PortList<RECV>,
718 W: 'static + PortList<SEND>,
719 F: 'static + for<'ctx> FnMut(&'ctx mut Context, R::Ctx<'ctx>, W::Ctx<'ctx>),
720 {
721 self.add_subgraph_stratified(name, 0, recv_ports, send_ports, false, subgraph)
722 }
724 pub fn add_subgraph_stratified<Name, R, W, F>(
728 &mut self,
729 name: Name,
730 stratum: usize,
731 recv_ports: R,
732 send_ports: W,
733 laziness: bool,
734 subgraph: F,
735 ) -> SubgraphId
736 where
737 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
738 R: 'static + PortList<RECV>,
739 W: 'static + PortList<SEND>,
740 F: 'a + for<'ctx> FnMut(&'ctx mut Context, R::Ctx<'ctx>, W::Ctx<'ctx>),
741 {
742 self.add_subgraph_full(
743 name, stratum, recv_ports, send_ports, laziness, None, subgraph,
744 )
745 }
747 #[expect(clippy::too_many_arguments, reason = "Mainly for internal use.")]
749 pub fn add_subgraph_full<Name, R, W, F>(
750 &mut self,
751 name: Name,
752 stratum: usize,
753 recv_ports: R,
754 send_ports: W,
755 laziness: bool,
756 loop_id: Option<LoopId>,
757 mut subgraph: F,
758 ) -> SubgraphId
759 where
760 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
761 R: 'static + PortList<RECV>,
762 W: 'static + PortList<SEND>,
763 F: 'a + for<'ctx> FnMut(&'ctx mut Context, R::Ctx<'ctx>, W::Ctx<'ctx>),
764 {
765 recv_ports.assert_is_from(&self.handoffs);
767 send_ports.assert_is_from(&self.handoffs);
769 let loop_depth = loop_id
770 .and_then(|loop_id| self.context.loop_depth.get(loop_id))
771 .copied()
772 .unwrap_or(0);
774 let sg_id = self.subgraphs.insert_with_key(|sg_id| {
775 let (mut subgraph_preds, mut subgraph_succs) = Default::default();
776 recv_ports.set_graph_meta(&mut self.handoffs, &mut subgraph_preds, sg_id, true);
777 send_ports.set_graph_meta(&mut self.handoffs, &mut subgraph_succs, sg_id, false);
779 let subgraph =
780 move |context: &mut Context, handoffs: &mut SlotVec<HandoffTag, HandoffData>| {
781 let (recv, send) = unsafe {
782 (
786 recv_ports.make_ctx(&*handoffs),
787 send_ports.make_ctx(&*handoffs),
788 )
789 };
790 (subgraph)(context, recv, send);
791 };
792 SubgraphData::new(
793 name.into(),
794 stratum,
795 subgraph,
796 subgraph_preds,
797 subgraph_succs,
798 true,
799 laziness,
800 loop_id,
801 loop_depth,
802 )
803 });
804 self.context.init_stratum(stratum);
805 self.context.stratum_queues[stratum].push_back(sg_id);
807 sg_id
808 }
810 pub fn add_subgraph_n_m<Name, R, W, F>(
812 &mut self,
813 name: Name,
814 recv_ports: Vec<RecvPort<R>>,
815 send_ports: Vec<SendPort<W>>,
816 subgraph: F,
817 ) -> SubgraphId
818 where
819 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
820 R: 'static + Handoff,
821 W: 'static + Handoff,
822 F: 'static
823 + for<'ctx> FnMut(&'ctx mut Context, &'ctx [&'ctx RecvCtx<R>], &'ctx [&'ctx SendCtx<W>]),
824 {
825 self.add_subgraph_stratified_n_m(name, 0, recv_ports, send_ports, subgraph)
826 }
828 pub fn add_subgraph_stratified_n_m<Name, R, W, F>(
830 &mut self,
831 name: Name,
832 stratum: usize,
833 recv_ports: Vec<RecvPort<R>>,
834 send_ports: Vec<SendPort<W>>,
835 mut subgraph: F,
836 ) -> SubgraphId
837 where
838 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
839 R: 'static + Handoff,
840 W: 'static + Handoff,
841 F: 'static
842 + for<'ctx> FnMut(&'ctx mut Context, &'ctx [&'ctx RecvCtx<R>], &'ctx [&'ctx SendCtx<W>]),
843 {
844 let sg_id = self.subgraphs.insert_with_key(|sg_id| {
845 let subgraph_preds = recv_ports.iter().map(|port| port.handoff_id).collect();
846 let subgraph_succs = send_ports.iter().map(|port| port.handoff_id).collect();
848 for recv_port in recv_ports.iter() {
849 self.handoffs[recv_port.handoff_id].succs.push(sg_id);
850 }
851 for send_port in send_ports.iter() {
852 self.handoffs[send_port.handoff_id].preds.push(sg_id);
853 }
855 let subgraph =
856 move |context: &mut Context, handoffs: &mut SlotVec<HandoffTag, HandoffData>| {
857 let recvs: Vec<&RecvCtx<R>> = recv_ports
858 .iter()
859 .map(|hid| hid.handoff_id)
860 .map(|hid| handoffs.get(hid).unwrap())
861 .map(|h_data| {
862 h_data
863 .handoff
864 .any_ref()
865 .downcast_ref()
866 .expect("Attempted to cast handoff to wrong type.")
867 })
868 .map(RefCast::ref_cast)
869 .collect();
871 let sends: Vec<&SendCtx<W>> = send_ports
872 .iter()
873 .map(|hid| hid.handoff_id)
874 .map(|hid| handoffs.get(hid).unwrap())
875 .map(|h_data| {
876 h_data
877 .handoff
878 .any_ref()
879 .downcast_ref()
880 .expect("Attempted to cast handoff to wrong type.")
881 })
882 .map(RefCast::ref_cast)
883 .collect();
885 (subgraph)(context, &recvs, &sends)
886 };
887 SubgraphData::new(
888 name.into(),
889 stratum,
890 subgraph,
891 subgraph_preds,
892 subgraph_succs,
893 true,
894 false,
895 None,
896 0,
897 )
898 });
900 self.context.init_stratum(stratum);
901 self.context.stratum_queues[stratum].push_back(sg_id);
903 sg_id
904 }
906 pub fn make_edge<Name, H>(&mut self, name: Name) -> (SendPort<H>, RecvPort<H>)
908 where
909 Name: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
910 H: 'static + Handoff,
911 {
912 let handoff = H::default();
914 let handoff_id = self
915 .handoffs
916 .insert_with_key(|hoff_id| HandoffData::new(name.into(), handoff, hoff_id));
918 let input_port = SendPort {
920 handoff_id,
921 _marker: PhantomData,
922 };
923 let output_port = RecvPort {
924 handoff_id,
925 _marker: PhantomData,
926 };
927 (input_port, output_port)
928 }
930 pub fn add_state<T>(&mut self, state: T) -> StateHandle<T>
935 where
936 T: Any,
937 {
938 self.context.add_state(state)
939 }
941 pub fn set_state_tick_hook<T>(
945 &mut self,
946 handle: StateHandle<T>,
947 tick_hook_fn: impl 'static + FnMut(&mut T),
948 ) where
949 T: Any,
950 {
951 self.context.set_state_tick_hook(handle, tick_hook_fn)
952 }
954 pub fn context_mut(&mut self, sg_id: SubgraphId) -> &mut Context {
956 self.context.subgraph_id = sg_id;
957 &mut self.context
958 }
960 pub fn add_loop(&mut self, parent: Option<LoopId>) -> LoopId {
965 let depth = parent.map_or(0, |p| self.context.loop_depth[p] + 1);
966 let loop_id = self.context.loop_depth.insert(depth);
967 self.loop_data.insert(
968 loop_id,
969 LoopData {
970 iter_count: None,
971 allow_another_iteration: true,
972 },
973 );
974 loop_id
975 }
978impl Dfir<'_> {
979 pub fn request_task<Fut>(&mut self, future: Fut)
981 where
982 Fut: Future<Output = ()> + 'static,
983 {
984 self.context.request_task(future);
985 }
987 pub fn abort_tasks(&mut self) {
989 self.context.abort_tasks()
990 }
992 pub fn join_tasks(&mut self) -> impl use<'_> + Future {
994 self.context.join_tasks()
995 }
998impl Drop for Dfir<'_> {
999 fn drop(&mut self) {
1000 self.abort_tasks();
1001 }
1010pub struct HandoffData {
1011 pub(super) name: Cow<'static, str>,
1013 pub(super) handoff: Box<dyn HandoffMeta>,
1015 pub(super) preds: SmallVec<[SubgraphId; 1]>,
1017 pub(super) succs: SmallVec<[SubgraphId; 1]>,
1020 pub(super) pred_handoffs: Vec<HandoffId>,
1026 pub(super) succ_handoffs: Vec<HandoffId>,
1033impl std::fmt::Debug for HandoffData {
1034 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
1035 f.debug_struct("HandoffData")
1036 .field("preds", &self.preds)
1037 .field("succs", &self.succs)
1038 .finish_non_exhaustive()
1039 }
1041impl HandoffData {
1042 pub fn new(
1044 name: Cow<'static, str>,
1045 handoff: impl 'static + HandoffMeta,
1046 hoff_id: HandoffId,
1047 ) -> Self {
1048 let (preds, succs) = Default::default();
1049 Self {
1050 name,
1051 handoff: Box::new(handoff),
1052 preds,
1053 succs,
1054 pred_handoffs: vec![hoff_id],
1055 succ_handoffs: vec![hoff_id],
1056 }
1057 }
1060pub(super) struct SubgraphData<'a> {
1065 pub(super) name: Cow<'static, str>,
1067 pub(super) stratum: usize,
1071 subgraph: Box<dyn Subgraph + 'a>,
1074 #[expect(dead_code, reason = "may be useful in the future")]
1075 preds: Vec<HandoffId>,
1076 succs: Vec<HandoffId>,
1078 is_scheduled: Cell<bool>,
1084 last_tick_run_in: Option<TickInstant>,
1086 last_loop_nonce: (usize, usize),
1090 is_lazy: bool,
1093 loop_id: Option<LoopId>,
1095 loop_depth: usize,
1098impl<'a> SubgraphData<'a> {
1099 #[expect(clippy::too_many_arguments, reason = "internal use")]
1100 pub(crate) fn new(
1101 name: Cow<'static, str>,
1102 stratum: usize,
1103 subgraph: impl Subgraph + 'a,
1104 preds: Vec<HandoffId>,
1105 succs: Vec<HandoffId>,
1106 is_scheduled: bool,
1107 is_lazy: bool,
1108 loop_id: Option<LoopId>,
1109 loop_depth: usize,
1110 ) -> Self {
1111 Self {
1112 name,
1113 stratum,
1114 subgraph: Box::new(subgraph),
1115 preds,
1116 succs,
1117 is_scheduled: Cell::new(is_scheduled),
1118 last_tick_run_in: None,
1119 last_loop_nonce: (0, 0),
1120 is_lazy,
1121 loop_id,
1122 loop_depth,
1123 }
1124 }
1127pub(crate) struct LoopData {
1128 iter_count: Option<usize>,
1130 allow_another_iteration: bool,