
1use quote::{ToTokens, quote_spanned};
2use syn::parse_quote;
4use super::{
5    OpInstGenerics, OperatorCategory, OperatorConstraints, OperatorInstance, OperatorWriteOutput,
6    Persistence, RANGE_1, WriteContextArgs,
8use crate::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Level};
10/// > 2 input streams of type `<(K, V1)>` and `<(K, V2)>`, 1 output stream of type `<(K, (V1, V2))>`
12/// Forms the equijoin of the tuples in the input streams by their first (key) attribute. Note that the result nests the 2nd input field (values) into a tuple in the 2nd output field.
14/// ```dfir
15/// source_iter(vec![("hello", "world"), ("stay", "gold"), ("hello", "world")]) -> [0]my_join;
16/// source_iter(vec![("hello", "cleveland")]) -> [1]my_join;
17/// my_join = join()
18///     -> assert_eq([("hello", ("world", "cleveland"))]);
19/// ```
21/// `join` can also be provided with one or two generic lifetime persistence arguments, either
22/// `'tick` or `'static`, to specify how join data persists. With `'tick`, pairs will only be
23/// joined with corresponding pairs within the same tick. With `'static`, pairs will be remembered
24/// across ticks and will be joined with pairs arriving in later ticks. When not explicitly
25/// specified persistence defaults to `tick.
27/// When two persistence arguments are supplied the first maps to port `0` and the second maps to
28/// port `1`.
29/// When a single persistence argument is supplied, it is applied to both input ports.
30/// When no persistence arguments are applied it defaults to `'tick` for both.
32/// The syntax is as follows:
33/// ```dfir,ignore
34/// join(); // Or
35/// join::<'static>();
37/// join::<'tick>();
39/// join::<'static, 'tick>();
41/// join::<'tick, 'static>();
42/// // etc.
43/// ```
45/// `join` is defined to treat its inputs as *sets*, meaning that it
46/// eliminates duplicated values in its inputs. If you do not want
47/// duplicates eliminated, use the [`join_multiset`](#join_multiset) operator.
49/// ### Examples
51/// ```rustbook
52/// let (input_send, input_recv) = dfir_rs::util::unbounded_channel::<(&str, &str)>();
53/// let mut flow = dfir_rs::dfir_syntax! {
54///     source_iter([("hello", "world")]) -> [0]my_join;
55///     source_stream(input_recv) -> [1]my_join;
56///     my_join = join::<'tick>() -> for_each(|(k, (v1, v2))| println!("({}, ({}, {}))", k, v1, v2));
57/// };
58/// input_send.send(("hello", "oakland")).unwrap();
59/// flow.run_tick();
60/// input_send.send(("hello", "san francisco")).unwrap();
61/// flow.run_tick();
62/// ```
63/// Prints out `"(hello, (world, oakland))"` since `source_iter([("hello", "world")])` is only
64/// included in the first tick, then forgotten.
66/// ---
68/// ```rustbook
69/// let (input_send, input_recv) = dfir_rs::util::unbounded_channel::<(&str, &str)>();
70/// let mut flow = dfir_rs::dfir_syntax! {
71///     source_iter([("hello", "world")]) -> [0]my_join;
72///     source_stream(input_recv) -> [1]my_join;
73///     my_join = join::<'static>() -> for_each(|(k, (v1, v2))| println!("({}, ({}, {}))", k, v1, v2));
74/// };
75/// input_send.send(("hello", "oakland")).unwrap();
76/// flow.run_tick();
77/// input_send.send(("hello", "san francisco")).unwrap();
78/// flow.run_tick();
79/// ```
80/// Prints out `"(hello, (world, oakland))"` and `"(hello, (world, san francisco))"` since the
81/// inputs are peristed across ticks.
82pub const JOIN: OperatorConstraints = OperatorConstraints {
83    name: "join",
84    categories: &[OperatorCategory::MultiIn],
85    hard_range_inn: &(2..=2),
86    soft_range_inn: &(2..=2),
87    hard_range_out: RANGE_1,
88    soft_range_out: RANGE_1,
89    num_args: 0,
90    persistence_args: &(0..=2),
91    type_args: &(0..=1),
92    is_external_input: false,
93    has_singleton_output: false,
94    flo_type: None,
95    ports_inn: Some(|| super::PortListSpec::Fixed(parse_quote! { 0, 1 })),
96    ports_out: None,
97    input_delaytype_fn: |_| None,
98    write_fn: |wc @ &WriteContextArgs {
99                   root,
100                   context,
101                   df_ident,
102                   loop_id,
103                   op_span,
104                   ident,
105                   inputs,
106                   work_fn,
107                   op_inst:
108                       OperatorInstance {
109                           generics:
110                               OpInstGenerics {
111                                   persistence_args,
112                                   type_args,
113                                   ..
114                               },
115                           ..
116                       },
117                   ..
118               },
119               diagnostics| {
120        let join_type =
121            type_args
122                .first()
123                .map(ToTokens::to_token_stream)
124                .unwrap_or(quote_spanned!(op_span=>
125                    #root::compiled::pull::HalfSetJoinState
126                ));
128        // TODO: This is really bad.
129        // This will break if the user aliases HalfSetJoinState to something else. Temporary hacky solution.
130        // Note that cross_join() depends on the implementation here as well.
131        let additional_trait_bounds = if join_type.to_string().contains("HalfSetJoinState") {
132            quote_spanned!(op_span=>
133                + ::std::cmp::Eq
134            )
135        } else {
136            quote_spanned!(op_span=>)
137        };
139        let mut make_joindata = |persistence, in_loop, side| {
140            let joindata_ident = wc.make_ident(format!("joindata_{}", side));
141            let borrow_ident = wc.make_ident(format!("joindata_{}_borrow", side));
142            let reset = match (in_loop, persistence) {
143                (false, Persistence::None) => {
144                    diagnostics.push(Diagnostic::spanned(
145                        op_span,
146                        Level::Error,
147                        "`'none` is not allowed outside of loops, use `'tick` instead.",
148                    ));
149                    return Err(());
150                }
151                (true, Persistence::None) => Default::default(),
152                (false, Persistence::Tick) => quote_spanned! {op_span=>
153                    #df_ident.set_state_tick_hook(#joindata_ident, |rcell| #work_fn(|| #root::util::clear::Clear::clear(rcell.get_mut())));
154                },
155                (true, Persistence::Tick) => Default::default(),
156                (false, Persistence::Static) => Default::default(),
157                (true, Persistence::Static) => {
158                    diagnostics.push(Diagnostic::spanned(
159                        op_span,
160                        Level::Error,
161                        "`'static` is not allowed within loops.",
162                    ));
163                    return Err(());
164                }
165                (_, Persistence::Mutable) => {
166                    diagnostics.push(Diagnostic::spanned(
167                        op_span,
168                        Level::Error,
169                        "An implementation of `'mutable` does not exist.",
170                    ));
171                    return Err(());
172                }
173            };
174            let (borrow, init) = if !in_loop {
175                (
176                    quote_spanned! {op_span=>
177                        unsafe {
178                            // SAFETY: handle from `#df_ident.add_state(..)`.
179                            #context.state_ref_unchecked(#joindata_ident)
180                        }.borrow_mut()
181                    },
182                    quote_spanned! {op_span=>
183                        let #joindata_ident = #df_ident.add_state(::std::cell::RefCell::new(
184                            #join_type::default()
185                        ));
186                        #reset
187                    },
188                )
189            } else {
190                (
191                    quote_spanned! {op_span=>
192                        #join_type::default()
193                    },
194                    Default::default(),
195                )
196            };
197            Ok((borrow, borrow_ident, init))
198        };
200        let persistences = match persistence_args[..] {
201            [] => {
202                let p = if loop_id.is_some() {
203                    Persistence::None
204                } else {
205                    Persistence::Tick
206                };
207                [p, p]
208            }
209            [a] => [a, a],
210            [a, b] => [a, b],
211            _ => panic!(),
212        };
214        let (lhs_borrow, lhs_borrow_ident, lhs_init) =
215            make_joindata(persistences[0], loop_id.is_some(), "lhs")?;
216        let (rhs_borrow, rhs_borrow_ident, rhs_init) =
217            make_joindata(persistences[1], loop_id.is_some(), "rhs")?;
219        let write_prologue = quote_spanned! {op_span=>
220            #lhs_init
221            #rhs_init
222        };
224        let lhs = &inputs[0];
225        let rhs = &inputs[1];
226        let write_iterator = if loop_id.is_none() {
227            quote_spanned! {op_span=>
228                let mut #lhs_borrow_ident = #lhs_borrow;
229                let mut #rhs_borrow_ident = #rhs_borrow;
230                let #ident = {
231                    // Limit error propagation by bounding locally, erasing output iterator type.
232                    #[inline(always)]
233                    fn check_inputs<'a, K, I1, V1, I2, V2>(
234                        lhs: I1,
235                        rhs: I2,
236                        lhs_state: &'a mut #join_type<K, V1, V2>,
237                        rhs_state: &'a mut #join_type<K, V2, V1>,
238                        is_new_tick: bool,
239                    ) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, (V1, V2))>
240                    where
241                        K: Eq + std::hash::Hash + Clone,
242                        V1: Clone #additional_trait_bounds,
243                        V2: Clone #additional_trait_bounds,
244                        I1: 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, V1)>,
245                        I2: 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, V2)>,
246                    {
247                        #work_fn(|| #root::compiled::pull::symmetric_hash_join_into_iter(lhs, rhs, lhs_state, rhs_state, is_new_tick))
248                    }
250                    check_inputs(#lhs, #rhs, &mut *#lhs_borrow_ident, &mut *#rhs_borrow_ident, #context.is_first_run_this_tick())
251                };
252            }
253        } else {
254            // TODO(mingwei): deduplicate this code with the above.
255            quote_spanned! {op_span=>
256                let mut #lhs_borrow_ident = ::std::default::Default::default();
257                let mut #rhs_borrow_ident = ::std::default::Default::default();
258                let #ident = {
259                    // Limit error propagation by bounding locally, erasing output iterator type.
260                    #[inline(always)]
261                    fn check_inputs<'a, K, I1, V1, I2, V2>(
262                        lhs: I1,
263                        rhs: I2,
264                        lhs_state: &'a mut #join_type<K, V1, V2>,
265                        rhs_state: &'a mut #join_type<K, V2, V1>,
266                        is_new_tick: bool,
267                    ) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, (V1, V2))>
268                    where
269                        K: Eq + std::hash::Hash + Clone,
270                        V1: Clone #additional_trait_bounds,
271                        V2: Clone #additional_trait_bounds,
272                        I1: 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, V1)>,
273                        I2: 'a + Iterator<Item = (K, V2)>,
274                    {
275                        #work_fn(|| #root::compiled::pull::symmetric_hash_join_into_iter(lhs, rhs, lhs_state, rhs_state, is_new_tick))
276                    }
278                    check_inputs(#lhs, #rhs, &mut #lhs_borrow_ident, &mut #rhs_borrow_ident, true)
279                };
280            }
281        };
283        let write_iterator_after =
284            if persistences[0] == Persistence::Static || persistences[1] == Persistence::Static {
285                quote_spanned! {op_span=>
286                    // TODO: Probably only need to schedule if #*_borrow.len() > 0?
287                    #context.schedule_subgraph(#context.current_subgraph(), false);
288                }
289            } else {
290                quote_spanned! {op_span=>}
291            };
293        Ok(OperatorWriteOutput {
294            write_prologue,
295            write_iterator,
296            write_iterator_after,
297        })
298    },