macro_rules! variadic_trait {
$( #[$( $attrs:tt )*] )*
$vis:vis variadic<$item:ident> $name:ident $( $clause:tt )*
) => { ... };
Expand description
This macro generates a basic variadic trait where each element must fulfill the where
use variadics::{var_expr, variadic_trait};
variadic_trait! {
/// A variadic list of `Debug` items.
pub variadic<Item> DebugList where Item: std::fmt::Debug {}
let x = &var_expr!(1, "hello", 5.6);
let _: &dyn DebugList = x;
println!("{:?}", x);
This uses a special syntax similar to traits, but with the trait
keyword replaced with
where T
is the generic parameter name for each item in the variadic list. T
can be changed to any valid generic identifier. The bounds on T
must be put in the where
clause; they cannot be expressed directly– variadic<T: Clone>
is invalid.
For now this can only create traits which bounds the Item
s and cannot have associated
methods. This means the body of the variadic trait must be empty. But in the future this
declarative macro may be converted into a more powerful procedural macro with associated
method support.