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Deployments, Hosts, and Services

Hydro Deploy uses an architecture consisting of three key elements:

  • Deployments: a set of active resources and services
  • Hosts: targets that can run services, including your laptop and cloud VMs
  • Services: networked processes, including Hydroflow projects and external services


Deployments are managed by the hydro.Deployment class, which will keep all its tracked resources alive as long as it is being held in memory. This means that you can create a deployment, run some code, and then drop the deployment to clean up all the resources.

To create a deployment, simply call hydro.Deployment():

import hydro

async def main(args):
deployment = hydro.Deployment()


Hosts are targets that can run services. By default, every deployment has Localhost available, which is a special host that runs services on the same machine as the deployment. We can access this host by calling deployment.Localhost():

localhost = deployment.Localhost()

Hydro Deploy also supports deploying to cloud VMs, currently supporting Google Cloud Platform (with support planned for Azure and AWS).

Google Cloud Platform

To deploy to Google Cloud Platform, you will need to install Terraform and the Google Cloud SDK (see install). You will also need to create a Google Cloud project.

The first step is to create a VPC, which will enable network connections for our services. We can do this by creating a hydro.GCPNetwork object:

network = deployment.GCPNetwork(

Then, we can launch a VM on this network using hydro.GCPComputeEngineHost:

host = deployment.GCPComputeEngineHost(


Services are networked processes, including Hydroflow projects and external services.

Hydroflow Projects

To create a service based on a Hydroflow project, we can use the hydro.HydroflowCrate class:

service = deployment.HydroflowCrate(
src=".", # path to the Rust project