1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
use quote::quote_spanned;
use syn::parse_quote;
use super::{OperatorCategory, OperatorConstraints, WriteContextArgs, RANGE_1};
/// > 2 input streams of type S and T, 1 output stream of type (S, T)
/// Forms the cross-join (Cartesian product) of the items in the input streams, returning all
/// tupled pairs.
/// ```dfir
/// source_iter(vec!["happy", "sad"]) -> [0]my_join;
/// source_iter(vec!["dog", "cat"]) -> [1]my_join;
/// my_join = cross_join() -> assert_eq([("happy", "dog"), ("sad", "dog"), ("happy", "cat"), ("sad", "cat")]);
/// ```
/// `cross_join` can be provided with one or two generic lifetime persistence arguments
/// in the same way as [`join`](#join), see [`join`'s documentation](#join) for more info.
/// ```rustbook
/// let (input_send, input_recv) = dfir_rs::util::unbounded_channel::<&str>();
/// let mut flow = dfir_rs::dfir_syntax! {
/// my_join = cross_join::<'tick>();
/// source_iter(["hello", "bye"]) -> [0]my_join;
/// source_stream(input_recv) -> [1]my_join;
/// my_join -> for_each(|(s, t)| println!("({}, {})", s, t));
/// };
/// input_send.send("oakland").unwrap();
/// flow.run_tick();
/// input_send.send("san francisco").unwrap();
/// flow.run_tick();
/// ```
/// Prints only `"(hello, oakland)"` and `"(bye, oakland)"`. The `source_iter` is only included in
/// the first tick, then forgotten, so when `"san francisco"` arrives on input `[1]` in the second tick,
/// there is nothing for it to match with from input `[0]`, and therefore it does appear in the output.
pub const CROSS_JOIN: OperatorConstraints = OperatorConstraints {
name: "cross_join",
categories: &[OperatorCategory::MultiIn],
hard_range_inn: &(2..=2),
soft_range_inn: &(2..=2),
hard_range_out: RANGE_1,
soft_range_out: RANGE_1,
num_args: 0,
persistence_args: &(0..=2),
type_args: &(0..=1),
is_external_input: false,
has_singleton_output: false,
flo_type: None,
ports_inn: Some(|| super::PortListSpec::Fixed(parse_quote! { 0, 1 })),
ports_out: None,
input_delaytype_fn: |_| None,
write_fn: |wc @ &WriteContextArgs {
diagnostics| {
let mut output = (super::join::JOIN.write_fn)(wc, diagnostics)?;
let lhs = &inputs[0];
let rhs = &inputs[1];
let write_iterator = output.write_iterator;
output.write_iterator = quote_spanned!(op_span=>
let #lhs = #lhs.map(|a| ((), a));
let #rhs = #rhs.map(|b| ((), b));
let #ident = #ident.map(|((), (a, b))| (a, b));