1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
use quote::quote_spanned;
use syn::parse_quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use super::{
DelayType, OpInstGenerics, OperatorCategory, OperatorConstraints,
OperatorInstance, OperatorWriteOutput, WriteContextArgs, RANGE_1,
/// > 2 input streams of type `(K, V1)` and `(K, V2)`, 1 output stream of type `(K, (V1', V2'))` where `V1`, `V2`, `V1'`, `V2'` are lattice types
/// Performs a [`fold_keyed`](#fold_keyed) with lattice-merge aggregate function on each input and then forms the
/// equijoin of the resulting key/value pairs in the input streams by their first (key) attribute.
/// Unlike [`join`](#join), the result is not a stream of tuples, it's a stream of MapUnionSingletonMap
/// lattices. You can (non-monotonically) "reveal" these as tuples if desired via [`map`](#map); see the examples below.
/// You must specify the the accumulating lattice types, they cannot be inferred. The first type argument corresponds to the `[0]` input of the join, and the second to the `[1]` input.
/// Type arguments are specified in dfir using the rust turbofish syntax `::<>`, for example `_lattice_join_fused_join::<Min<_>, Max<_>>()`
/// The accumulating lattice type is not necessarily the same type as the input, see the below example involving SetUnion for such a case.
/// Like [`join`](#join), `_lattice_join_fused_join` can also be provided with one or two generic lifetime persistence arguments, either
/// `'tick` or `'static`, to specify how join data persists. With `'tick`, pairs will only be
/// joined with corresponding pairs within the same tick. With `'static`, pairs will be remembered
/// across ticks and will be joined with pairs arriving in later ticks. When not explicitly
/// specified persistence defaults to `tick.
/// Like [`join`](#join), when two persistence arguments are supplied the first maps to port `0` and the second maps to
/// port `1`.
/// When a single persistence argument is supplied, it is applied to both input ports.
/// When no persistence arguments are applied it defaults to `'tick` for both.
/// It is important to specify all persistence arguments before any type arguments, otherwise the persistence arguments will be ignored.
/// The syntax is as follows:
/// ```dfir,ignore
/// _lattice_join_fused_join::<MaxRepr<usize>, MaxRepr<usize>>(); // Or
/// _lattice_join_fused_join::<'static, MaxRepr<usize>, MaxRepr<usize>>();
/// _lattice_join_fused_join::<'tick, MaxRepr<usize>, MaxRepr<usize>>();
/// _lattice_join_fused_join::<'static, 'tick, MaxRepr<usize>, MaxRepr<usize>>();
/// _lattice_join_fused_join::<'tick, 'static, MaxRepr<usize>, MaxRepr<usize>>();
/// // etc.
/// ```
/// ### Examples
/// ```dfir
/// use dfir_rs::lattices::Min;
/// use dfir_rs::lattices::Max;
/// source_iter([("key", Min::new(1)), ("key", Min::new(2))]) -> [0]my_join;
/// source_iter([("key", Max::new(1)), ("key", Max::new(2))]) -> [1]my_join;
/// my_join = _lattice_join_fused_join::<'tick, Min<usize>, Max<usize>>()
/// -> map(|singleton_map| {
/// let lattices::collections::SingletonMap(k, v) = singleton_map.into_reveal();
/// (k, (v.into_reveal()))
/// })
/// -> assert_eq([("key", (Min::new(1), Max::new(2)))]);
/// ```
/// ```dfir
/// use dfir_rs::lattices::set_union::SetUnionSingletonSet;
/// use dfir_rs::lattices::set_union::SetUnionHashSet;
/// source_iter([("key", SetUnionSingletonSet::new_from(0)), ("key", SetUnionSingletonSet::new_from(1))]) -> [0]my_join;
/// source_iter([("key", SetUnionHashSet::new_from([0])), ("key", SetUnionHashSet::new_from([1]))]) -> [1]my_join;
/// my_join = _lattice_join_fused_join::<'tick, SetUnionHashSet<usize>, SetUnionHashSet<usize>>()
/// -> map(|singleton_map| {
/// let lattices::collections::SingletonMap(k, v) = singleton_map.into_reveal();
/// (k, (v.into_reveal()))
/// })
/// -> assert_eq([("key", (SetUnionHashSet::new_from([0, 1]), SetUnionHashSet::new_from([0, 1])))]);
/// ```
pub const _LATTICE_JOIN_FUSED_JOIN: OperatorConstraints = OperatorConstraints {
name: "_lattice_join_fused_join",
categories: &[OperatorCategory::CompilerFusionOperator],
hard_range_inn: &(2..=2),
soft_range_inn: &(2..=2),
hard_range_out: RANGE_1,
soft_range_out: RANGE_1,
num_args: 0,
persistence_args: &(0..=2),
type_args: &(2..=2),
is_external_input: false,
has_singleton_output: false,
flo_type: None,
ports_inn: Some(|| super::PortListSpec::Fixed(parse_quote! { 0, 1 })),
ports_out: None,
input_delaytype_fn: |_| Some(DelayType::MonotoneAccum),
write_fn: |wc @ &WriteContextArgs {
OperatorInstance {
OpInstGenerics {
diagnostics| {
let lhs_type = &type_args[0];
let rhs_type = &type_args[1];
let wc = WriteContextArgs {
arguments: &parse_quote! {
FoldFrom(<#lhs_type as #root::lattices::LatticeFrom::<_>>::lattice_from, #root::lattices::Merge::merge),
FoldFrom(<#rhs_type as #root::lattices::LatticeFrom::<_>>::lattice_from, #root::lattices::Merge::merge)
// initialize write_prologue and write_iterator_after via join_fused, but specialize the write_iterator
let OperatorWriteOutput {
write_iterator: _,
} = (super::join_fused::JOIN_FUSED.write_fn)(&wc, diagnostics).unwrap();
let persistences = super::join_fused::parse_persistences(persistence_args);
let lhs_join_options = super::join_fused::parse_argument(&wc.arguments[0])
.map_err(|err| diagnostics.push(err))?;
let rhs_join_options = super::join_fused::parse_argument(&wc.arguments[1])
.map_err(|err| diagnostics.push(err))?;
let (lhs_joindata_ident, lhs_borrow_ident, _lhs_prologue, lhs_borrow) =
super::join_fused::make_joindata(&wc, persistences[0], &lhs_join_options, "lhs")
.map_err(|err| diagnostics.push(err))?;
let (rhs_joindata_ident, rhs_borrow_ident, _rhs_prologue, rhs_borrow) =
super::join_fused::make_joindata(&wc, persistences[1], &rhs_join_options, "rhs")
.map_err(|err| diagnostics.push(err))?;
let lhs = &inputs[0];
let rhs = &inputs[1];
let arg0_span = wc.arguments[0].span();
let arg1_span = wc.arguments[1].span();
let lhs_tokens = quote_spanned! {arg0_span=>
#lhs_borrow.fold_into(#lhs, #root::lattices::Merge::merge,
<#lhs_type as #root::lattices::LatticeFrom::<_>>::lattice_from);
let rhs_tokens = quote_spanned! {arg1_span=>
#rhs_borrow.fold_into(#rhs, #root::lattices::Merge::merge,
<#rhs_type as #root::lattices::LatticeFrom::<_>>::lattice_from);
let write_iterator = quote_spanned! {op_span=>
let mut #lhs_borrow_ident = #context.state_ref(#lhs_joindata_ident).borrow_mut();
let mut #rhs_borrow_ident = #context.state_ref(#rhs_joindata_ident).borrow_mut();
let #ident = {
// TODO: start the iterator with the smallest len() table rather than always picking rhs.
.filter_map(|(k, v2)| #lhs_borrow.table.get(k).map(|v1| (k.clone(), lattices::Pair::<#lhs_type, #rhs_type>::new_from(v1.clone(), v2.clone()))))
.map(|(key, p)| #root::lattices::map_union::MapUnionSingletonMap::new_from((key, p)))
Ok(OperatorWriteOutput {