Module net

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This module contiains networking code.

§How Tokio interacts with the DFIR runtime (Mingwei 2021-12-07)

Tokio is a Rust async runtime. In Rust’s async/await system, Futures must be spawned or sent to an async runtime in order to run. Tokio is the most popular provider of one of these runtimes, with async-std (mirrors std lib) and smol (minimal runtime) as commonly used alternatives.

Fundamentally, an async runtime’s job is to poll futures (read: run tasks) when they are ready to make progress. However async runtimes also provide a Futures abstraction for async events such as timers, network IO, and filesystem IO. To do this, Tokio uses Mio which is a low-level non-blocking API for IO event notification/polling. A user of Mio can write an event loop, i.e. something like: wait for events, run computations responding to those events, repeat. Tokio provides the higher-level async/await slash Future abstraction on top of Mio, as well as the runtime to execute those Futures. Essentially, the Tokio async runtime essentially replaces the low-level event loop a user might handwrite when using Mio.

For context, both Mio and Tokio provide socket/UDP/TCP-level network abstractions, which is probably the right layer for us. There are also libraries built on top of Tokio providing nice server/client HTTP APIs like Hyper.

The DFIR scheduled layer scheduler is essentially the same as a simple event loop: it runs subgraphs when they have data. We have also let it respond to external asynchonous events by providing a threadsafe channel through which subgraphs can be externally scheduled.

In order to add networking to DFIR, in our current implementation we use Tokio and have a compatibility mechanism for working with Futures. A Future provides a Waker mechanism to notify when it had work to do, so we have hooked these Wakers up with DFIR’s threadsafe external scheduling channel. This essentially turns DFIR into a simple async runtime.

However in some situations, we still need to run futures outside of DFIR’s basic runtime. It’s not a goal for DFIR to provide all the features of a full runtime like Tokio. Currently for this situation we run DFIR as a task (Future) within the Tokio runtime. In DFIR’s event loop we do all available work, then rather than block and wait for external events to schedule more tasks, we temporarily yield back to the Tokio runtime. Tokio will then respond to any outstanding events it has before once again running the DFIR scheduler task.

This works perfectly well but maybe isn’t the best solution long-term. In the future we may want to remove the extra Tokio runtime layer and interface with Mio directly. In this case we would have to do our own socket-style polling within the DFIR scheduler’s event loop, which would require some extra work and thought. But for now interfacing with Tokio works and I don’t think the overhead of the extra runtime loop is significant.



